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Write Example are a small group of teachers, book lovers, writers, pedants and creatives who are passionate about teaching writing and reading. We see our members as part of the Write Example team too, so if you have any thoughts, ideas or feedback please don't hesitate to get in touch. Contact us here




Learning with example texts can help children build their writing confidence as well as a 'writing tool kit' for life - leading to improved grammar skills, increased creativity, measurable progress and - often - happier writers. 


Write Example texts can help children develop as writers and improve their literacy skills by providing...


  • a trusted reference source for applied grammar, punctuation and language.

  • differentiated texts - supporting children through their next learning step.

  • a range of writing styles – modelling writing for purpose, pleasure and audience.

  • content to learn from, build upon or be inspired by.

  • examples of finished pieces written at a level which the child can aspire to.


"The road to learning by precept is long, but by example is short and effective"

Seneca the Elder




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